Local people voting together to beat Jeremy Hunt in Godalming and Ash

It’s just a few days to go, and every day we’re hearing from people who are voting together to beat Jeremy Hunt.

We can create change in Godalming and Ash. We can beat Jeremy Hunt. But only if we all vote tactically.

If the vote for change is split across different candidates then Jeremy Hunt could get back in with a tiny share of the vote. We can’t allow that.

Only Paul Follows, the Lib Dem candidate, can win in this new constituency. Read here to see why he has the best chance.

We’re calling on everyone who wants to see change to vote smart and to vote tactically, whether you’re usually a Green, Labour or Lib Dem voter, or even a disgruntled Conservative voter.

Please join us.

And there are lots of ways you can help:

  • Firstly. please pledge to vote for Paul Follows. And tell everyone you know.
  • Would you put up a sign board? We have some designed especially for those that would usually vote Green or vote Labour but will be lending their vote to the Lib Dems this time. If you’d like a board, please email us at: Hello@GodalmingAshElections.org.
  • Or maybe you’d like a Lib Dem board – if so you can contact them here.

Another way to help is to share our social media posts. You can find us:

And if you need a reminder of why we must beat Jeremy Hunt, or if you need to persuade anyone else, please have a read of our series the REAL Jeremy Hunt. It makes shocking reading.

This election is going to be really close. The latest Ipsos poll (published 18th June) describes it as a ‘Toss up’. Every vote will count.

Please join us and let’s see change.

It’s time for change in Godalming and Ash. Don’t forget, only Paul follows, the Lib Dem candidate, can win against Jeremy Hunt and the Conservatives here. You can read about why this is the case here.

On July 4th, Vote Smart. Vote for Paul Follows, Lib Dem – the only candidate that can beat the Conservatives here in Godalming and Ash.

Why I want to beat the Tories in Godalming and Ash

Personal stories that show what the residents of Godalming and Ash really care about, and why they’ll be voting for change.

The real Jeremy Hunt

Should we judge Jeremy Hunt by his words or his actions? Unfortunately the two often don’t match – read here to see what he really thinks about the environment, the NHS and more.

Only Paul Follows can win

Read here to read our analysis that shows that Paul Follow, Lib Dem, is the best placed candidate to beat Jeremy Hunt and the Tories in Godalming and Ash.

Who are we?

Godalming and Ash Elections is a group of local residents all living in Godalming, Ash, Cranleigh, Shalford and other villages who have had enough.

We are not connected to any political party – we just want to see change.

We need YOUR help. The Conservatives have put huge amounts of money behind their campaign but we can beat them with people power. Help us by spreading the word – tell your friends, neighbours, family, colleagues.

If you can help us practically by delivering leaflets etc, contact us at hello@GodalmingAshElections.org. We’ll all be voting for Paul Follows, Lib Dem. Please join us

Privacy Policy

Godalming and Ash Elections is a group of local residents living in Godalming, Ash, Cranleigh, Shalford and other villages. We are not connected to any political party; we just want to see change. Promoted by C Taylor on behalf of Godalming & Ash elections, Suite 430, Martinique House, Bordon, GU35 OHJ

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